Saturday, June 12, 2010

Paris ramblings..

Today, I am on 78 sleeps!... that has gone incredibly fast down from 91! For the last week I have been practising my French online and listening to CD's in my car whilst driving to and from work. Today, I watched the French news on TV and realised in an instant that I have no hope of ever understanding it! They speak so quickly!!! I was lucky enough to capture one or two words but then just stared at the screen in complete horror at the thought of never being able to comprend the most beautiful language in the world! I will keep trying of course but only God can help me!
Recently I went to a function where they were cooking pizzas... one particular one which caught my eye was a Nutella, Grape, Marscapone and ground Pistachios.. now, I don't know about you but I have never tried Nutella in my life, being a good New Zealand girl, I was brought up on Marmite and Vegemite so I was coerced into trying it... OMG!!!!!!!! how simply divine it was!!! I can still taste the silky smooth flavour of the Nutella.. I can't wait now to get to Paris and go to my favourite crepe guy on Rue des Ecoles (5th) and ask for a Nutella and Banana crepe svp!!

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